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Book Review: Find Me

By Anne Frasier

Last year I read the Jude Fontaine series by Anne Frasier and I was totally absorbed! I told everyone it was like if the television show Criminal Minds was a book. So, when I got this from Netgalley, I dropped everything else I was reading and dove in. HOLY COW, Y'ALL. This was a chilling, page turning, ALL CAPS TEXT inducing read!

Benjamin Fisher is a convicted serial killer on death row who finally agrees to reveal the buried bodies of his victims to Detective Ellis. But there's a catch, FBI profiler Reni Fisher (AKA the daughter of Benjamin Fisher) has to come too. And as if that's not intriguing enough, it turns out that Reni has struggled for decades with guilt because her dad used her as a child to lure his victims away to be murdered. As she joins Detective Ellis on the quest to provide closure to the victims' families, even more dark and twisted secrets start to come out.

I could not put this book down. I was sucked in right from the beginning, y'all. Anne Frasier is a genius and she writes these creepy stories in such beautiful language.

"In this bleak ecosystem of little natural light or fresh air, beneath the canned odor of industrial cleaning products that didn't quite cover up the scents of urine and feces, lurked the caged breath of dead men. It was like moving through the moist exhalations of infamous prisoners like the deceased Charles Manson and Sirhan Sirhan."


Reni's perspective is so interesting because she doesn't trust her own memories from childhood, so it feels a little like an unreliable narrator. It definitely keeps you on your toes while you're reading, and I think because we're getting so much of the story from a narrator who doesn't fully trust themselves, it makes the BIG PLOT TWIST even more shocking. I mean, I was completely caught off guard, y'all. I also found the subject matter of a serial killer with an unknown number of unidentified victims interesting because of all the true crime podcasts I'm listening to right now.

Find Me was a medium paced novel until about 80%, and then things got intense in a split second. I was a little worried that the wrap up would feel rushed because of that, but Frasier managed to avoid letting the momentum of the action take away from the closure of the story. I can't think of anything about this book I didn't enjoy. If you like thrillers, true crime (even though this is fiction, I still recommend it to true crime lovers), or police procedurals I highly recommend this one to you!


Purchase Find Me on Amazon.


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