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Book Review: He Started It

By Samantha Downing

This book will blow your mind. I joined an Instagram bookclub for this one, and I'm so glad I did because I really needed to be able to process this one with friends. It's totally insane. PLOT TWISTS ABOUND, Y'ALL!

Three siblings - Beth, Portia, and Eddie are brought together after years apart by the death of their rich grandpa. In order to claim their inheritance, they must recreate a road trip they took with their grandpa as children. This time around they've brought their spouses along, and everyone's got secrets - deadly ones. The road trip spans from the east coast to the west coast, ending with a totally unforeseen ending in the desert that will leave you in disbelief.

This is one of the strangest books I've ever read. It has absolutely zero likable characters. Normally, this fact alone would have me not wanting to finish, but this is a very plot driven story. I HAD to know what was happening. There were some pretty incredible plot twists that I don't even want to hint at, because if you read this I want you to be as shocked as I was! Beth was the most unreliable narrator, so you really had no idea who to trust and what was real or not. I loved that one of the stops on the road trip was in Arkansas! They even mentioned that Arkansas was an underappreciated state - which I completely agree with.

Samantha Downing knocked this mystery out of the park! It was totally unpredictable, I had multiple ever-changing theories the whole time I was reading, and none of them were totally right. I was completely thrown by the ending! I don't think I've ever been so simultaneously frustrated and satisfied with the end of a book in my life. If I had been reading a physical book instead of listening to an audio book, I probably would have thrown it at the wall. And speaking of the audio - the narrator was SO GOOD! However, I was dying to get to the end so by the time I finished I was listening to it at 2x speed! haha Needless to say, I highly recommend this jacked up story, and I am here if you need to scream as you read it!


Get your copy of He Started It on Amazon.


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