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Book Review: The Tourist Attraction

By Sarah Morgenthaler

I loved this book, y'all. But I'm only giving three stars, and I truly think it's more of a "It's not you, it's me" situation. This book is adorable, laugh out loud hilarious, entertaining, and the list goes on. However, like NOTHING BAD HAPPENS AT ALL. Which, for some deep psychological reason I won't unpack right now, annoyed me. I kept waiting for the other shoe to drop. A tragic accident or literally anything exciting or surprising, but it never happened. So, don't let the three stars scare you away, this is a fun lighthearted read! Apparently, I just like for my lighthearted reads to have a dark side. You can psychoanalyze me later...

Zoey Caldwell has dreamed of an Alaskan vacation her whole life. So much so, that she saved all her tips from working in a small town diner and then quit said diner job just to take a two week vacation to the small town of Moose Springs, Alaska. On day one of her dream vacation she meets Graham Barnett, owner of the town's famous diner "The Tourist Trap." Sparks fly. But Zoey's only got two weeks and Graham has a strict no fraternizing with tourists rule. WHAT WILL HAPPEN?????

First of all, this book is hilarious. From random sightings of Ulysses the Moose around town, to totally cliche rom-com misunderstandings. I laughed hard at this book, y'all. And Graham is the most apathetic restaurant owner I've ever heard of. He like HATES his job, is rude to customers, only has two food items on his menu, and is apparently wildly successful despite all of this. For some reason, I really liked him. Chalk it up to his charm and charisma? He has an adorable, blind dog for crying out loud. Then you have Zoey, who shows up to Moose Springs with her rose colored glasses on. She's a total nerd, she's broke, and she obviously needs to just move to Moose Springs. Her and Graham together was a perfect match. Any Hallmark movie lovers could spot this romance brewing from a mile away.

However, like I mentioned earlier there is basically no conflict. These two are completely compatible, and Zoey is in a perfect position to move to Alaska. So the fact that most of the book is them trying NOT to fall madly in love because this relationship has a shelf life of two weeks just seemed like not enough for me. And Graham! Is his only excuse really just that he doesn't like tourists??? I just spent a lot of the story going " what's the problem?"

There are more stories to be told in the town of Moose Springs, though! Will I read them? Probably. I mean, am I really going to complain because a book is too happy? Apparently, yes...a little. BUT I'm excited to return to Moose Springs for more laughs. I highly recommend this book if you're looking for something happy and quick and not dramatic at all.


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