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Book Review: Norse Mythology

By: Neil Gaiman

A bookish fact about me: I love Neil Gaiman! He has to be one of the most versatile writers in the business with success in children’s literature, comics, novels, and even television screen plays. And this adaptation of various tales from Norse mythology is one of my favorites. He writes this book as if he’s talking to you face to face. Each tale reads like a fairytale.

Now, Norse mythology has some main stream popularity due to comic books and marvel movies, so you’ll recognize a lot of the characters. But the stories themselves are like nothing you’ve seen in the movie theater, so if that is the extent of your knowledge of Norse mythology, then you’re in for some fun surprises. My favorite is probably “Thor’s Journey to the Land of the Giants.” There’s a lot of quality Thor being a doofus and Loki being…Loki.

“Because,” said Thor, “when something goes wrong, the first thing I always think is, it is Loki’s fault. It saves a lot of time.”

I will give you this disclaimer: if you’re looking for a retelling with a Gaiman twist on old tales, you’re looking in the wrong place. This is a very straightforward collection of short stories. So not a lot of fluff and scenery here. But, other than the typical weird mythology stuff (Loki and a horse…uh what???), it’s not racy or gory or profane. So, I don’t think it’s out of the realm of possibility to read this with your middle grade kids as quirky fairytales, or listen to the audio on a road trip. (Perhaps read the stories for yourself first, though.)

Also, I highly recommend the audiobook for this, as Neil Gaiman reads it himself. It’s so much fun to listen, it truly feels like your dad is reading you cool bedtime stories.


Purchase Norse Mythology from Amazon.


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